Sceilg Mhichíl Reports 2014
Posted on 1 juin 2015
The Sceilg Mhichíl Action Plan, 2008-2018 details the objectives and actions to be completed and gives the position as of January 2015.
The Sceilg Mhichíl works report for the 2014 season details work undertaken on the damaged north steps, lower lighthouse road and emergency works to the NE corner of the retaining wall at cross cove, among other projects.
The Sceilg Mhichíl Bird census carried out in June 2014 by the National Parks and Wildlife Service records breeding seabird count details by species.
Sceilg Mhichíl, Co. Kerry: The Monastery and South Peak. Archaeological stratigraphic report: excavations 1986—2010
Posted on 1 juin 2011
This report is the full account of all the archaeological works carried out within the monastery and South Peak structures. It contains stratigraphic details with supporting plans, sections and photographs; a finds catalogue with descriptions and interpretations by relevant specialists; the raw data and results of palaeoenvironmental analyses and the osteoarchaeological analyses of human remains; a full account of the faunal remains; and the radiocarbon dates. The report concludes with an interim statement of the site’s significance. The purpose of this report is to make available the details of the archaeological works undertaken to date, in advance of the planned multidisciplinary publication programme.
Sceilg Mhichíl World Heritage Property Management Plan, 2008 — 2018
Posted on 1 juin 2008
This Management Plan has been developed to protect and preserve Sceilg Mhichíl World Heritage Property (WHS), also known as Great Skellig. The plan addresses cultural and natural heritage issues in an integrated manner. It has been produced by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (DOEHLG), Ireland, in conjunction with the Office of Public Works (OPW), and has been developed in consultation with local interest groups, non-governmental organisations and other interested parties. The area covered by the plan is the island of Sceilg Mhichíl, with the exception of the lower (working) lighthouse and its curtilage and the helipad area and its adjacent store.